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How to be a Successful Personal Trainer

Successful trainers love what they do and inspire others to feel more positive towards adopting a healthy and physically active lifestyle. If you are wondering if you have what it takes to become a successful personal trainer, and want to learn more about personal trainer statistics you have come to the right place. 

Wondering How to be a Successful Personal Trainer? Here are the Traits and Characteristics You Need to Find and Maintain Success

Professional Credentials & Credibility

Many successful personal trainers do not have bachelor or master degrees in Exercise and Movement Science or Athletic Training – instead of a four or six year education, successful trainers can obtain a certification from a third party accreditation program that specializes in certifying personal trainers. In addition to your Personal Trainer Certification, you should be CPR certified. Please keep in mind that many programs require all trainers to renew their certification every couple of years.

Industry Experience

In order to guide your clients to success, you will need to stay informed and current with all health and fitness trends pertaining to your environment. For example, if you’re specializing in post-rehab, you’ll want to ensure that you can effectively identify the safest and most effective post rehabilitative programs for your clients that are currently faced with various physical limitations. This is where skills, knowledge and continuing education are strongly encouraged and advised to all aspiring trainers.

Communication Skills

Many trainers hold their clients accountable when it comes to working on their goals outside of each session – while this is an effective way to train and achieve results, you need to ensure that your client understands their responsibilities and how to perform each movement. This is where your communication skills will come in handy. Not only will you be required to effectively explain and guide your client through a sequence of movements, but you’ll need to be confident in what you say and how you say it.


Passion, Drive & Charisma

Successful trainers love what they do and inspire others to feel more positive towards adopting a healthy and physically active lifestyle. Their passion is clear to their clients because they follow their own advice and are constantly improving their own lifestyle through education and challenging physical activities.

What’s personal training without personal motivation? In order to be successful and inspire others to do the same you must be able to captivate your clients and motivate them to push the limits. Your clients will often look up to you for guidance, so it’s important that you lead by example. Since you’re encouraging your clients to adopt a healthy, well-balanced lifestyle, it’s important that you are motivating them through your own positive lifestyle

Empathy and Compassion

According to Eric C. Stevens, a contributor at Breaking Muscle: “Empathy is the key in piercing through the disconnect that sometimes occurs between trainer and client. Empathy, in part, comes from something we can all relate to – struggle. When I found that sense of true empathy and real humility, I also found a better way to reach people. Empathy is the gateway to an even more important word – compassion.” While not every trainer will be in their clients’ shoes, they can certainly share that compassion and listen to their specific concerns and needs.

Interested in taking your dream to a reality, explore your program options today!


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