AFPA Health and Fitness Blog

How to Take Control and Optimize your Blood Sugar Levels

The research linking elevated blood sugar to most diseases is frightening, but there are many research proven methods you will learn in this article on how to improve and manage your blood sugar level.  Over the long-term this will lead to improvements in general health and most other aspects of life, including improved brain function, […]

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8 Healthy Food Alternatives for Summer Recipe Favorites

It’s officially summer, which means barbecue season is in full-swing. If you or your clients are looking for new ways to enjoy your favorite, summer-inspired dishes without the bulk, we have you covered with some of our favorite alternatives that you can enjoy all summer long.

5 Tools to Make Your Job as a Certified Personal Trainer Easier

Train clients. Get results. That’s your main objective when you’re a certified personal trainer. Nevertheless, being a personal trainer involves much more work than what your clients see in the gym. You’ve got to manage your schedule, develop programs, bill clients for training sessions, run marketing campaigns, and keep clients motivated to help them achieve […]

Anabolic Steroids and The Depression Connection

Testosterone is thought to be the root of male aggression. Above-average levels of testosterone have been observed in incarcerated violent criminals and in athletes engaged in semi-violent sports such as football, lacrosse, and ice hockey. The term “roid rage” has been applied to the explosive and often irrational behavior seen in men and women who use […]