6 Ways Health Coaches Can Support Clients with Autoimmune Diseases Over the Holidays
The holidays can be a time to look forward to for many people, but they can also be a cause of stress for those with complicated health issues, including autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, PCOS, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and lupus.
Does Health Coaching Improve Client Wellness? What The Research Says
Certified health and wellness coaches are expert health advisors that use evidence-based methodologies to improve their clients’ health and wellness. Health coaching is a relatively new profession, and it was born out of the public health system’s need to have a more consistent, personal, and long-term presence in people’s lives.
Virtual Fitness Is Here to Stay. Here’s How to Adapt as a Personal Trainer.
The pandemic has forced the world online. Meetings, lectures, church services, and even lifecycle events—like weddings and funerals—have gone virtual. In fact, for many individuals, a typical day right now could play out entirely in the digital world.
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When And How Health Coaches Should Refer Patients to Other Providers
We seek out specialized professionals to carry out specific jobs. Think about hiring contractors for repair work in your home. Whether you hired them for previous jobs, they were referred to you, they are included in your home insurance plan, or you read their online reviews, you generally trust that these specialized professionals are good […]
5 Research-Backed Holistic and Integrative Health Behavior Change Strategies
Health and wellness coaches have key roles in supporting clients in working toward health behavior change. An important element of implementing health behavior change strategies is identifying ways to sustain them in the long term while also leaving room for the normal changes in lifestyle everyone experiences.
15 Email Marketing Secrets for Health Coaches and Personal Trainers
Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to market your health services online. But with the rise in social media, many health coaches and personal trainers have shifted their online marketing efforts away from this sales channel under the assumption that email marketing is a waste of time.
6 Rewarding Careers in Health and Wellness You Haven’t Heard Of
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published July 2017 and has recently been updated and revised for accuracy and comprehensiveness. When talking about a job in health and wellness, people are likely to think of yoga instructors, fitness class leaders, personal trainers, and dieticians. After all, personal trainers like Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper from […]
An Introductory Guide to Market Research for Health and Wellness Professionals
Do you want to know what gives you an edge over the competition?
8 Essential Forms for Personal Trainers, Health Coaches & More
If you’re in the business of health and fitness, it’s because you live and breathe a healthy lifestyle. Of course, breaking a sweat and helping your clients meet their fitness goals is only a small part of it.
How to Support Your Clients’ Holistic Health Through Holiday Stress and Traumaversaries
The holidays are accompanied by a range of complex emotions and experiences, and they are not always positive.