AFPA Graduate Spotlight: Remy Park, Nutrition and Lifestyle Writer
During the last 30+ years, we’ve certified over 130,000 professionals. Meet one of our featured grads, Remy Park, an AFPA Certified Holistic Nutritionist, who has used her certification to help inform her blog and writing over at Veggiekins.
How to Write Compelling Calls to Action for Health and Wellness Professionals
Think about the last time you were on social media, and you were itching to get on a company’s webpage to find out more about a product or service.
6 Ways Health Coaches Can Support Clients Who Are Struggling to Manage Their Diabetes
Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases in the US and around the world.
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How to Land an Internship That Leads to a Career in Health and Wellness
When Katlynn Ferreira landed a nutrition-related internship at a hospital in Massachusetts, she was excited. It fit her plan for pursuing a career in health and wellness perfectly.
How to Make It as a Holistic Health Coach: 13 Business Tips to Follow
With an expected job growth rate of 16% through 2024, and a growing client base of consumers who believe food and nutrition play a significant role in maintaining and improving overall health, the need for holistic health coaches won’t be declining any time soon. As more holistic health coaches start their own businesses, the competition […]
7 Pinterest Accounts to Motivate Your Nutrition Consulting Clients
Ask any recipe-hunting person in the kitchen trying to make a healthy meal, and they’re not going to be sifting through old-school cookbooks. These days people take selfies with their food, post pics of every meal, and even share videos with cooking tips, recipes, and how-to demonstrations. It’s exciting and engaging. And that’s what you […]
Complimentary/Alternative Medicine Resources
Many Americans, nearly 40 percent, use health care approaches developed outside of mainstream Western, or conventional, medicine for specific conditions or overall well-being. When describing health approaches with non-mainstream roots, people often use the words “alternative” and “complementary” interchangeably, but the two terms refer to different concepts:
The Benefits of Sand Running for Physical Fitness
Maybe you chanced upon sand running in a Navy SEAL training video. Maybe your friend recommends it.
10 Workout Secrets for Lifelong Fitness
Getting and staying fit can be a challenge for some. For others it is a way of life. So what’s the secret of people who have managed to make exercise a lifelong habit? Try following these top exercise tips and tricks, workout secrets or just food
AFPA Graduate Spotlight: William Ramsey, Sports Conditioning Specialist
During the last 30+ years, we’ve certified over 130,000 professionals. Meet our featured grad, William Ramsey, an AFPA Sports Conditioning Specialist, owner and trainer at Ramsey Performance Training.