AFPA Health and Fitness Blog

What Does it Take to Start a Personal-Training Career?

Growing a highly successful business in the personal-training market is achievable with the right personal traits: ambition, dedication, and of course, a savvy drive for the health and fitness industry. And frankly, there is no better time than the present to pursue a business venture such as this, because when it comes down to it, […]

4 Health & Fitness Trends for 2015

A new year brings new resolutions and of course, new health and fitness trends – are you curious about what’s new on the scene this year and what’s here to stay? We have the latest for 2015!

Promoting a Holistic Approach to Health

Spring is finally in the air, and if you haven’t already started looking for ways to detoxify and cleanse every aspect of your life, there’s no better time than the present. Why not use the start of a new season as an opportunity to help your clients embrace a healthy lifestyle change? If you’re not already […]

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Get Outside: How to Make Exercise Fun

When you think of exercising, there is a good chance you picture a large gym with wall-to-wall mirrors, grunting powerlifters, and fitness classes featuring trendy exercises you can barely pronounce. The truth is, gyms, fitness studios, and exercise classes can easily overwhelm—or bore—the health-conscious individual.

Guide to Building Your Health and Nutrition Coaching Website

As a health coach, you can do a lot to help countless people improve their health and fitness through exercise, nutrition, and behavior change—but only as long as you actually reach people. And that’s why building a health and nutrition coaching website is one of the most important aspects of your budding business. 

How to Become a Personal Trainer Online: Follow These Steps

When Dave Smith decided he wanted to learn how to become a personal trainer, he earned a fitness certification and started training clients in the gym. It was a great way to get started. But he wanted more control over his schedule, more time to spend with his family, a way to earn more money, […]