Business & Career Resources

What Can I Expect for an Athletic Trainer Salary?

Over the past few weeks we have been taking a deeper dive into a few different career options in the health and fitness industry. From a Medical Exercise Specialist to a Personal Trainer; today we are going to take a closer look at what it takes to become an Athletic Trainer and what you can expect to gain financially. 

What is an Athletic Trainer?

Before we begin to talk about the financial aspect of an Athletic Trainer let’s first define the job description so you get a better understanding of the work compared to pay. An Athletic Trainer is a licensed health professional that collaborates with health physicians to treat, diagnose and even prevent injuries and illnesses through specialized care programs, health assessments and exercise. 

Athletic trainers are different from other specialized trainers because their specialty is focused on improving athletic performance, as well as recovery techniques for muscle and bone injury and illness. Personal Trainers or strength training specialists will work with a variety of different clients who are mostly focused on either weight loss or building endurance.

On average an Athletic Trainer can expect to earn a salary of $32,000 to $75,000 per year, with an average around $40,000 annually. This will, of course, be dependent on location (Athletic Trainers can expect to earn a higher salary in Metropolitan areas), as well as the type of clientele you’re working with. If you’re working with professional athletes you can expect to earn a higher salary than if you are to work with athletes at a college or high school level.


A Rewarding Career Path

Many aspiring fitness and health enthusiasts have found this career path to be especially rewarding because not only do you have the ability to empower and train people who are already physically active, including athletes, but you can help prevent and treat serious injuries. When working with a client it’s important to fully understand their condition, the human anatomy and physiology, as well as their current nutrition habits. These aspects have an important impact on training and healing capabilities in addition to improving endurance and performance.

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in the health and fitness industry, we have a number of different certifications that can help you reach your goal and inspire others in the process.


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