Food & Nutrition Science

Spring Cleaning: Helping Your Clients Start a Clean Diet Plan

Today, clean-eating has rapidly become a major movement in the health-and-fitness space. Everyone from major magazine publications to nutritionists—like you—are putting a huge emphasis on consuming food in its most natural state: aka, unprocessed or eating clean. Putting aside its popularity, replacing processed foods with fresh and nourishing whole foods will help eliminate the added preservatives that are potentially harmful to our bodies in the long-term.

If your client is ready to start making changes to his or her lifestyle, we hope the title of this blog post is motivation enough to kick-start the spring season with colorful, light and savory dishes. And of course, we have a few tips highlighted below to give them the extra boost they may need.

Getting your clients started with a clean diet plan

Before your clients can effectively transform their lifestyles, they should understand the benefits. Consuming whole, unprocessed foods is a healthy way to eliminate toxins from our bodies while also nourishing them with nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants and healthy fats. Along with preventing disease, consuming a plant-based diet and being more mindful of the food we eat has been linked to a variety of different health benefits.

The primary goal and intention behind eating clean is to replace processed foods with fresh, nourishing foods. Say, for example, that you love to start your morning with a tall glass of juice. While juice has always been a breakfast staple, popular juices are often packed with added sugar and are highly processed. By substituting this product with a raw, freshly pressed juice you will get the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables, while eliminating all of the added nutrients and preservatives that can potentially harm the body in the long-term.

Now that we have eating clean down to a science, your clients should also understand the basic principles of adapting. To make it simple, share these five guidelines with your clients before they venture off on their next shopping trip:

  1. Look for whole, unprocessed foods over those that are processed
  2. Increase vegetable intake and try to stick to a plant-based diet
  3. Eliminate saturated and trans fats
  4. Reduce alcohol and sugar intake
  5. Most of all, be mindful of everything you put on your plate


What does a day of eating clean look like?

To get your client started we have culled a few of our favorite clean recipes from a couple of nutrition-inspired blogs. Without further ado, check out these delicious and easy-to-make recipes.

Beyond eating clean, you must put an emphasis on the importance of staying physically active, especially if your clients want to experience the long-term benefits. After all, physical activity and healthy eating go hand-in-hand.


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