
Google Glass Controlled Treadmill

First Google Glass controlled treadmill

The breakthrough is part of Technogym’s “Wellness on the Go” technology concept.

Technogym debuted the world’s first Google Glass controlled treadmill at the Consumer Electronics Show 2014 in Las Vegas last week.

The treadmill allows the Glass wearer to control running speed using voice commands, while they can also view workout data on their headset and communicate with a personal trainer through webcam.

Utilising brand new UNITY technology, an Android-based platform for cardio training equipment, the treadmill data is accessible from any app or third party device.

Once logged in, users can control all of their personalised settings across social media platforms, website bookmarks and other multimedia features.

In addition to the UNITY console, users can tailor their account by downloading other fitness aids from the Technogym App Store – such as MapMyFitness, RunKeeper and Withings.

“With the look and feel of a tablet, Technogym’s UNITY console offers a revolutionary, interactive training experience,” said Nerio Alessandri, president and founder of Technogym.

“It provides users with a personalized training program, favorite apps, TV programs, and entertainment – it’s open to any third party app and device, like Google glasses or the many movement tracking devices.”

– See more at: http://www.healthclubmanagement.co.uk/detail.cfm?pagetype=detail&subject=news&codeID=307941#sthash.lN5XtCAl.dpuf

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