Food & Nutrition Science

5 Ways to Encourage Healthy Eating On-the-Go this Summer

We all have different priorities in the summertime. For some it’s staying healthy, hydrated and active. For others it’s lounging on the beach, planning barbecues with friends and engaging in hot-weather activities—jet-skiing, anyone? Regardless of the way you or your clients enjoy spending the summer months, there’s one thing that’s for certain, summer is a busy time for everyone. When loading up on activities is on everyone’s to-do lists, it’s easy to lose sight of the importance of maintaining a healthy diet.

Healthy eating on-the-go means planning ahead

To combat any concerns you or your clients may have about packing on the pounds in the summertime, maintain a healthy diet all year long by planning ahead. One of the best ways to accomplish this is to pack snacks, such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, hummus and almond butter to take with you so you can stay on-track between meals. If you know if you have a barbecue or event in the afternoon or evening, be sure to fill up before than. This way, you can still indulge without completely bingeing on every dish.

When you’re well-rested, making healthy choices comes easy

When your schedule is jam packed with activities, you may feel inclined to chop a few hours of sleep off your schedule. While this may seem like the best way to accomplish everything before the sun goes down, if you’re sleep deprived it’s easy to lose control of your cravings. When you’re well-rested, however, you have the clarity and energy to make healthy choices and plan ahead for a successful week.


Use your smartphone to locate healthy eats

If you’re traveling this summer, use your smartphone to your advantage to find healthy options on-the-go, such as a juice bar or farm-to-table restaurant. In addition to a selection of nourishing, immunity-boosting juices, most juice bars have a variety of other options that you can grab—from salads and smoothie bowls to homemade granola and protein bars—there’s no shortage of healthy options available, regardless of the location.

Make the restaurant work for you

While barbecues are high in popularity during the summer, so is going out to eat. But when you’re depending on the chef of a restaurant to accommodate your diet, things get tricky. Not to worry, there’s a solution: “Look over the entire menu when you sit down,” suggests the staff at Mind Body Green. “Let’s say you want salmon, but it comes with a side of cheesy risotto. The gluten and dairy laden chicken Parmesan, on the other hand, comes with sautéed spinach and garlic. Politely ask your server to switch sides.” Chances are, your server will be more than willing to accommodate your request.

Always have water on hand

We all know that water is essential, especially for staying hydrated in the summer heat. According to Jillian Michaels in a contribution to Health, it’s perfect for weight-loss too. In fact, “hydration can curb hunger and boost your metabolism by up to 3 percent.” If you find yourself getting bored with plain water, toss in a few lemons or a fruit of choice to keep things fresh and delicious.

If you’re interested in learning more on the importance of a well-balanced, healthy diet download our complimentary e-book: “The Ultimate Guide to Eating Clean.”


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