
Healthy Weight Management the Right Way

There are many people that try to keep their weight in check but often end up craving food soon after the healthy meal they have just eaten. This satisfaction void can be avoided and healthy weight management can still be obtained.

The role of protein and fiber in satiety

The feeling of fullness and satisfaction you get after a meal is called satiety. Satiety is a very important concept in nutrition. It’s what contributes to fullness — and if you’re trying to manage your weight, that feeling of fullness is an important factor.

There is a complex process of sensory, cognitive, digestive, and hormonal signals that announce you are done with a meal. While we can override these — especially if we’re not in tune with when our body is hungry or full — these fullness signals are directly related to the food we’re eating. Protein and fiber prompt your body to release the most fullness signals, and if you’re managing your weight, that’s a very important thing.

Were you aware that protein also signals your body that you’re full?. So does fiber — specifically, soluble fiber (the kind found in oats and chia seeds) — by helping to slow down your food as it goes down your digestive tract.

Choose the right carbs

Choosing the right carbohydrates is an important part of that equation as far as a healthy diet and satiety. High-glycemic foods (white bread, rice, fruit) give us an instant energy boost, followed by a dip in energy. Great if we’re en route to the gym, not so great if we’re sitting at our desk. Low-glycemic foods on the other hand (whole grains, starchy vegetables) provide a more consistent type of energy.

Know the nutrient density

Healthy weight management is about choosing the right foods, balancing those food choices and proper exercise. Choose foods that are rich in nutrients to get the most bang from your calories. Foods should include protein, fiber, Omega-3s, greens, vitamins minerals, and antioxidants your body needs. Food choices should also include minimally-refined whole foods, free of artificial colors, flavors and preservatives.


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