Fitness, Personal Training, & Exercise Science

Keeping Clients on Track With a Holiday Workout Plan

Ah the holidays, they’re officially here! Tis the season of joy, celebrations, loved ones, giving, and of course, indulging—because let’s face it, it wouldn’t be the holidays without office parties, cocktail hours and feasting! While you should never discourage your client from treating themselves once in a while, it’s important that they keep their goals in the back of their mind when they go for seconds. To avoid weight-gain and that sluggish feeling during the holiday season, (and into January), use these helpful tips to keep your clients on track and motivated all season long.

Stay True to Health & Fitness Goals This Season with These Quick Tips & Holiday Workout Plan:

Get More out of Each Session

With work and family events filling up our calendars, last minute shopping and end-of-the-year fitness goals creeping up, this time of year can feel a little hectic; especially for your clients who don’t always have quick and easy access to the gym. One of the best ways to ensure that your clients stay on track during the busy holiday season is to focus each session on shorter, more intense training workouts.

If they simply can’t make your weekly training session after work, suggest moving your sessions to the morning and focus on total-body strength and interval training. Perhaps the evening isn’t an issue, but rather, time is limited during the week; consider doubling up by combining two sessions into one. By doing so, you’ll not only save time, but you can add intensity and build muscle, all while getting the heart rate up (triple bonus!)

Make sure you’re flexible during the holiday season to keep your client’s on track. Work with their schedules to fit in workouts and match the intensity of each workout to the time-frame available.

Hold Your Client Accountable

In the midst of the holiday season, your clients may need to alleviate their schedule – and unfortunately, if they made other commitments they may need to cut down their sessions or by the time they can devote to each one. The best thing you can do to ensure that your client is still staying committed to their health and fitness goals is to hold them accountable and tweak their regimen for the month.

For example, if your client typically trains with you three days a week and trains independently two days a week work with them to outline a realistic schedule for the month of December. This may result in training with you one-two days a week and squeezing in an independent workout first thing in the morning or during the lunch hour.

Once January hits, be sure that you both get each other back into the swing of things – after all, breaking a gym habit for a month won’t completely derail your clients health and fitness goals.


Get Started Today with a No Fuss Holiday Fitness Plan

We have carefully selected a workout plan to feature on today’s post, specially designed to keep your clients in tip-top shape for those holiday events! If you’re not already familiar with Kayla Itsines, Instagram superstar and personal trainer, you’re in for a serious treat (and challenge.) Kayla’s workouts are so effective that you’ll want to incorporate this HIIT arms and abs workout into your own routine:

Directions: Perform as many of the four moves from circuit 1 in seven minutes (don’t forget to use a timer) without rest. Once the timer goes off take a 30-90 second break and then perform the four moves in circuit 2 in seven minutes. Repeat both circuits one time (resting for 30-90 seconds in between). The workout duration is approximately 28 minutes.

Whether your clients are hoping to shed those last five pounds before they see their family, or impress someone at a holiday party, this workout is sure to give your clients the results they are dreaming of this holiday season.

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