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Become a Health & Wellness Coach in Six Months or Less

You can choose from a wide variety of programs to learn how to become a health & wellness coach that vary from structured college courses to self-paced, home study, distance learning online classes. If you are looking to make a change and try a new career guiding others to healthier living, it is possible to complete a program in six months. How, you might ask? Read on to learn more.


One of the best ways to complete your education that is both flexible and convenient is to look for distance learning, home study and/or online courses. They often cost less than brick and mortar university courses cost, too. This type of program is flexible in the respect that it’s up to you how quickly you complete the course. It also means regardless of what kind of work schedule you keep, you can still complete your program in six months – or even less.


Most programs have a minimum age requirement and suggest that you have a basic understanding or foundation in the subject matter of health and nutrition before beginning your program. If you are an experienced Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor or Athletic Trainer you will have a head start with regards to being familiar with some of the subjects in the health and wellness certification program.

Students can enroll from anywhere in the world, and should have the minimum of a high school diploma or international equivalent.

There are some courses that will certify you as a health coach that are less intense and can be completed in as few as three months online, however it is helpful to already have an education in fitness, nutrition, or exercise science. Others programs may require kinesiology, biology, or nutrition as an undergraduate degree before you enroll in a certification program.


After completing any required reading and/or assignments you will complete a certification exam.  The exam at the end of the program will either be a typical online version with multiple choice and true/false questions, or you may have to go to a center and sit for an exam in person. Should you not pass the first time, you can retake the exam, but most organizations will charge a retest fee.


You may even learn some business tips that will help you set up your online coaching business and teach you about marketing, being an effective coach, and how to return a profit to yourself.

Graduates of these programs might work with athletes to help them learn proper mental preparedness or nutritional support for their training programs; become a consultant to help clients with behavior change for healthy eating and learn about proper nutrition; assist clients with losing weight and keeping it off; or work with people who want to get healthy or defeat a chronic condition.

You will also learn some skills on how to counsel clients effectively and in such a way that you will not overwhelm your clients with something too complex or too outlandish. The AFPA Health & Wellness Coach certification course will give you some practice understanding clients’ needs, teach you how to converse with your clients clearly and provide you with the necessary skills to lead clients though the behavior change model for a healthier lifestyle.

It is possible to change your career in just six months, and learn a rewarding new skill set that can truly be of benefit to your clients.  Learn more about how you can enroll in the AFPA Health & Wellness Certification program.

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