Pet Therapy Resources
Visiting Pets and Animal Assisted Therapy Visiting with animals can help people feel less lonely, and less depressed. Visits from dogs can provide a welcome change from routine, or the renewal of old friendships. People become more active and responsive both during and
Women’s Health Links
Below you will find a listing of websites devoted to women’s health topics including pregnancy, menopause, breast cancer, proper nutrition, exercise, fitness and more. Healthline Our editorial philosophy is to use relevant and accurate content to promote a healthy lifestyle and facilitate disease prevention, as well as to offer clinically significant, medically reviewed information for […]
Kids Health Links
Nutrition for Kids Welcome to Nutrition for Kids, hosted by registered dietitian,speaker and author Connie Liakos Evers. To find out more about our books, handouts or other resources, click on one of the topics above. For news, articles, blogs, tips, recipes and more, be sure to check out our free Feeding
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9 Must-Know Fat Loss Tips for Weight Management
By Gary Matthews Ever wondered why there are so many diets around out there and people are just getting fatter and fatter. We now know that fad and repeat dieting don’t work, so what does! I have put together 9 fat loss tips below
8 Ways To General Health And Fitness
8 Ways To General Health And Fitness By Gary Matthews It never fails but as soon as I wrote all my Weight Loss, Weight Gain, Fitness and Nutrition type of tips I had a few left over that couldn’t really be placed into these categories. But as you will see they are right
113 Ways Sugar Can Ruin Your Health
113 Ways Sugar Can Ruin Your Health By: Dr. Bill Misner Ph.D. Dr. Mercola is well-respected in the complimentary and/or alternative medicine medical practitioners growing field. His articles posted both on the web and on the written page have enhanced his audience, authority, and popularity among even the more conservative medical community.
The Secret to Losing Weight – Journaling
The Secret to Losing Weight – Journaling When it comes to losing weight, there are many factors that influence ones success rate: support, exercise amount, caloric intake, etc. But one factor you may not have considered is actually an incredibly easy one to implement. Keeping written logs of what you eat and
AFPA now on Google+
AFPA Fitness is now on Google+. Please take the time to follow us on Google+ and share. We will be updating our Google+ page frequently as the weeks go on with our monthly updates, courses, nutritional information,
Human Ancestors Were Nearly All Vegetarians
Human Ancestors Were Nearly All Vegetarians By Rob Dunn | July 23, 2012 | As seen in Scientific American Paleolithic diets have become all the rage, but are they getting our ancestral diet all wrong? Right now, one half of all Americans
10 Things the Processed Food Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know
We’ve been led to believe that processed foods seem like the answer to today’s busy lives. New fads and fancy advertisements make promises that keep us coming back for more. The sad reality is that processed products are everywhere we look, making them increasingly harder to avoid.