Fitness Programs & Workplace Stress
By: Mark J. Occhipinti, M.S., Ph.D., N.D.c. “It is a laughable sight, to see those guilds of cobblers and tailors… when they march in procession.. stopping, round shouldered, limping men, swaying from side to side. They look as though they had all been carefully selected for an exhibition of their infirmities.”
No One Wants A Ketone Body
“The Truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it” Gen. Norman H. Schwarzkopf Surely you’ve all heard of Ketone Bodies. Ketone bodies are manufactured by the Liver when too much protein is being used for energy. The dangers associated with ketone
Water Pollution Today
by Brian Lavendel Pollution of lakes, rivers, streams, oceans: it’s a problem many of us are aware of and concerned about. The good news is that today, the actions of individuals can have a large impact on the quality of our waters. Yes, each one of us can help keep our
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Nutrition and the Central Fatigue Hypothesis
by Matt Samuels, RD Athletes are quite familiar with localized fatigue. This can be observed during any weight training session when an exercise is taken to failure or during an endurance event when one body part fatigues before others. This localized fatigue occurs within the muscle itself and can be caused
Secrets of Russian Sprint Training
Almost every coach is constantly looking for ways to increase the speed of their athletes whether it be for track and field events or organized team sports (Football, basketball, baseball, ice hockey, etc.). Many different methods of speed training are available today, with many of the newest innovations trickling down from our Olympic National Teams. I […]
Heart Rate Variations Explained
By: Dr. Bill Misner Ph.D. One common question from endurance athletes is why is my heart rate so high, so low, or varying in such-and-such a manner. Even experienced Cardiologists are not always able to define heart rate variations. When a heart rate is slowed, speeds up, or varies inexplicably, there are a number of […]
Leaky Gut Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, & More
by Zoltan P. Rona M.D., MSc The leaky gut syndrome is the name given to a very common health disorder in which the basic organic defect (lesion) is an intestinal lining which is more permeable (porous) than normal. The abnormally large spaces present between the cells of the gut wall allow the entry of toxic […]
Lean Muscle Mass Gain & Fat Mass Loss During Training
Interventions For Enhancing Lean Muscle Mass Gain and Fat Mass Loss During Strength and Speed Training Protocols Dr. Bill Misner Ph.D.* Ever wonder how, why, and where the flat stomach, thin thighs, and slim hips of your youth disappeared beneath a blanket of fat? There are a number of metabolic mechanisms known to influence body […]
Caffeine’s Hidden Dangers
What are the short term effects of caffeine on the body? The physiological effects of caffeine can begin as early as 15-45 minutes after ingestion. Its maximum central nervous system effects are reached in about 30-60 minutes. Caffeine increases heartbeat, respiration, basal metabolic rate, and the production of stomach acid and urine; and it relaxes […]
The Milk Letter: A Message To My Patients
By: Robert M. Kradjian, MD Breast Surgery Chief Division of General Surgery, Seton Medical Centre #302 – 1800 Sullivan Ave. Daly City, CA 94015 USA “MILK”Just the word itself sounds comforting! “How about a nice cup of hot milk?” The last time you heard that question it was from someone who cared for you–and