The Business of Being a Personal Trainer
You are entering the profession of personal fitness training at a time of growth and opportunity. Awareness of the benefits of personal training is expanding, as is the client market. This increased opportunity is accompanied by a huge influx of new personal trainers into the industry, which means increasedcompetition.
How to Create Your Own Fitness Boot Camp
By: Phil A. Lalli Just about every fitness center and gym seems to offer a version of the trendy boot camp workout these days. Some go with a pseudo-militaristic theme, complete with camouflage gear. Others refer to standard circuit classes as boot camps. Deciding what type of boot camp workout you want to
Guidelines for Exercise Training During Pregnancy
The guidelines and attitudes about exercise during pregnancy have changed considerably through the years. Previous guidelines allowed a woman to walk one mile a day, ideally broken up throughout the day. Then the 140 beats per minute (BPM) limit guideline was instituted. While our knowledge of this particular area of exercise physiology is still incomplete, […]
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Animal vs. Vegetable: The Best Protein for Muscle Growth
Animal vs. Vegetable Protein Debate: What is the Best Protein For Muscle Growth? By Dr. Bill Misner, Ph.D. AUTHOR’S PREVIEW I would like to acknowledge this is a debatable subject firstly because the human metabolic system is highly adaptive to a variety exogenous protein foods, secondly because one protein protocol “Size” may not fit all, […]
The Benefits of the Cardio Kickboxing Workout
Combines an Aerobic Workout with a Resistance Training Workout Doing either an aerobics workout, i.e. running, stairmaster, stationary bike, etc. or an anaerobic workout such as lifting weights, Nautilus, calisthenics, etc. will not give you the best or quickest overall fitness results. You need to do both. If you are a runner,
Effects of Learned Helplessness on Weight Loss & Exercise
Dr. Frank B. Smoot, MA, DD One of the most famous and most revealing experiments in the history of psychological research involved the subject and effects of learned helplessness. I don’t have the room here to tell you as much about it as I’d like to, but any Psychology 101