13 Things Sure To Slow Down Your Metabolism
Every cell in your body plays a role in energy metabolism — the process of turning the food you eat into energy that keeps your heart beating, lungs pumping, and muscles moving. The faster your basal metabolic rate, the more calories you burn. And just like there are ways to
6 Podcasts to Help You Prepare for a Career as a Holistic Health Coach
As a holistic health coach, certifications are just the beginning of your education. Although these provide a solid foundation, particularly in learning evidence-based approaches, it’s a good idea to get in the habit of supplementing that knowledge with fresh insights, research, and discussions.
11 Lifestyle Changes for Improving Mental Health
When thinking about personal development, many people focus on just the physical aspect. Numerous resources solely focus on helping us motivate ourselves to work out or find healthy recipes. However, there is no doubt that physical and mental health are intricately linked, and that the state of both greatly influence our quality of life.
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How to Become a Certified Group Fitness Trainer
If you’re passionate about the health and fitness industry and are looking to inspire others to lead a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle, group fitness training may be exactly what you’re looking for in a career. Whether you have always been excited about attending your Monday night Indoor Cycling class or you’re looking for a more […]
Inspire Your Personal-Training Clients to Love Fitness
As a personal trainer you may jump out of bed each morning ready to crush your next workout. For the average person, however, that excitement may not come naturally, or at all. Fortunately all hope isn’t lost—you can help your clients shift their mindset and think more positively about their next session.
Want to Burn More Calories? Try These 6 Kettlebell Moves
Kettlebells make a great addition to any workout for two reasons. First, they give you that strong, balanced physique that you and your clients have always sought. Second, a kettlebell exercise combines strength training and cardio, so you can get more accomplished in your workout in less time. And in case you need another reason to add a kettlebell […]
How to Help Your Clients Achieve Their Personal Fitness Goals
Do you recall the first time you met each of your clients? How about that first note of confidence? Has it started to fade away? While your clients may have felt motivation initially, they may have lost that first spark of excitement or lost sight of why they wanted to achieve a specific goal in the first […]
Holistic Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis
More and more people are suffering from Multiple Sclerosis, commonly referred to as MS. The autoimmune disease that negatively impacts the central nervous system, now affects more than 400,000 people in the United States alone, and about 2.5 million people around the globe. This, of course, is the number of people diagnosed and living with MS. […]
4 Popular Prenatal Workouts for 2015
As soon as one of your female clients finds out that she is pregnant, she will likely come to you with dozens of questions—Do I have to stop running? Will strength training cause injury? Can I still work my abdominals? While it’s safe for many (but not all) to continue to work out during pregnancy, […]
AFPA Graduate of the Month: Megan Seibel , Holistic Nutritionist
During the last 30+ years, we’ve certified over 130,000 health, nutrition, and fitness professionals. Each month, we recognize one of our distinguished graduates who are using what they have learned to inspire others and make a difference.