Top 3 Personal Trainer Resources for Aspiring Fitness Trainers
Whether you’re in the midst of a fitness certification program or just developing an interest in health, wellness and personal training, we want to help you evolve your knowledge and expertise. Sorting through different resources can be overwhelming, especially when you’re new to the field. But not to worry, we’ve narrowed the search and found the […]
AFPA Graduate of the Month: Meghan VanAuken, Holistic Heath Coach
During the last 30+ years, we’ve certified over 130,000 health, nutrition, and fitness professionals. Each month, we recognize one of our distinguished graduates who use what they have learned to inspire others and make a difference.
Why Your Clients Should Ditch New Year’s Resolutions—And Set SMART Goals Instead
It’s time to talk about New Year’s resolutions.
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Year in Review: AFPA’s Top 10 Blog Articles of 2022
At the end of each year, cultures have different traditions for reflecting on the year past and welcoming the year to come. Here at AFPA, we spend some time reflecting on one of our favorite ways of communicating with our graduates and followers: our weekly blogs.
Leaky Gut Diet: 10 Foods to Heal Leaky Gut & Foods to Avoid
If you’re in tune with the health and fitness industry, you’ll hear the phrase gut health repeated often. Why is this buzzword garnering tons of attention? Why is gut health so important?
Athletic Amenorrhea: Women at Risk
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published March 2014 and has recently been updated and revised for accuracy and comprehensiveness. It is estimated that up to 45 percent of female athletes in certain sports experience menstrual irregularity, also referred to as Athletic Amenorrhea. Within the last 20 years, our society has witnessed a significant increase […]
3 Ways to Give Nutritional Advice Legally
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published August 10, 2016 and has recently been updated and revised for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Numerous bloggers and food writers dispense nutritional advice with ease, and some don’t even cite any particular studies or research, they just seem to be coming up with these “insights” on their own. But […]
10 Best Tasting Alternatives to satisfy a chocolate craving
Is it that easy to fight a chocolate craving when you see chocolate almost everywhere you go? It’s in the supermarkets, in your local shop, in sweet shops, in TV advertisements, in the meal deals and there is always the dessert menu at your favorite restaurant. It’s definitely difficult to resist to the wonderful taste […]
Why You Need to Support Goal Setting with Intentions (and How to Do It)
Goal setting is a mighty motivating force.
What is the History and Evolution of the Keto Diet?
If you’ve followed eating trends in recent years, you’ve likely heard of the ketogenic diet. This high-fat, low-carb method of eating has captivated popular culture, and more people than ever are wondering whether it will make a difference for their health. For the next four weeks, we’re going to distill the facts about the ketogenic […]