AFPA Health and Fitness Blog

Become a Health & Wellness Coach in Six Months or Less

You can choose from a wide variety of programs to learn how to become a health & wellness coach that vary from structured college courses to self-paced, home study, distance learning online classes. If you are looking to make a change and try a new career guiding others to healthier living, it is possible to […]

What’s In Your Weight Loss Shake?

Television is full of commercials of celebrities and retired professional athletes that promote weight loss shakes and weight loss programs to “Crush Your CravingsTM”. The list of ingredients for these products reads like a who’s who of what not to put into your body. If your goal is to drop bodyweight it is important to […]

Top 5 Fitness Training Ideas for Your Workout

  There is a workout for everybody. No matter what your goals and preferences are, there is a type of fitness training that will suit your needs. If you are looking for a way to keep your workout interesting, look no further! We’ve put together a list of five fresh, fun, and effective fitness training […]

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Protein Packed, Dairy Free Vegetarian Breakfast Ideas

Many times individuals will ask me how can I get enough protein to start my day, if I do not eat some type of animal proteins for breakfast – such as dairy, eggs, fish, red meat or fowl. Athletes ask the same question, concerned they will not be able to build muscle, or recover from […]

How to Start a Business as a Holistic Nutritionist

There are a number of ways you can start your business as a Holistic Nutritionist. You could be in private practice, you could share space with other alternative medicine practitioners, you could work in corporate wellness as an advisor, or even start your own online nutrition consulting business. The choice is yours. There are some […]

6 Ways to Make Your Clients’ Workouts More Fun

As a personal trainer, it’s important to keep your clients motivated to continue to come back for training sessions time and time again with you. Not only does this help ensure you receive a paycheck, but having a high turn-out also means you must be doing something right. Generally, while clients realize that their training […]

4 Super Tasty & Healthy Snacks to Keep in Your Office

  It seems like 9 to 5 jobs were created for one reason, and one reason only: To ruin your ability to stay healthy. Let’s be honest, sticking to a healthy regimen can be a challenge in today’s fast paced work environment. The moment you walk into the office you’re are bombarded by vending machines, […]

The Top 15 Health & Fitness Articles for March

As the weather warms up, many people begin to focus on nutrition and fitness in order to look great in those summer clothes and feel better on those sunny days. This is a great time to look for the real truth about maintaining a healthy weight, staying fit, avoiding injuries, and looking fantastic. Here’s some […]

Debunking Common Muscle Building Myths

As a personal trainer, you likely see a number of clients who come to you looking to build muscle. Whether they’re looking to get toned, shredded, or any variation thereof, of course you want to do everything you can to help them reach their goals.

Top 10 Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

Those already eating a plant-based diet know the benefits of this lifestyle. Those who are thinking about changing from a standard American diet to one that is entirely or almost entirely plant-based might not yet be sure if this is the right option for their lives. If you are thinking about switching to a plant-based […]