AFPA Health and Fitness Blog

Personal Trainer Job Description & Salary

Have you been dreaming about a career in fitness but are not sure where to start? Maybe you don’t think you have what it takes? We feel confident that you do; all you need is the right resources to get started! 

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8 Busted Myths About Bulking

Bulking is a term commonly used in bodybuilding that refers to a progressive increase in calorie consumption beyond your body’s base needs, in combination with an increase in the intensity of weight training. 

What are the Pros and Cons of the Keto Diet?

Few eating trends have captivated popular attention in recent years as much as the ketogenic diet. Previously, we’ve discussed the diet’s historic start as a treatment for epilepsy and disclosed what it takes to follow it correctly.

How to Get Started with a Career in Nutrition Counseling

If you have been considering a career in the health and fitness industry there is no better time than the present! At AFPA, we are becoming more conscious than ever about what we eat and where it comes from, especially with increasing trends towards organic, sustainable or locally grown food.

4 Ways Fitness Instructors Can Avoid Burnout

In any profession, burnout is always a danger, especially when schedules get packed with classes and “free time” is when you catch up on paperwork. Even when you absolutely love your job and look forward to seeing clients and students, there still may be a risk that a point will come where you’re feeling restless […]