AFPA Health and Fitness Blog

The Raw Truth About the Raw Foods Diet

As you may already know, a well-balanced diet is instrumental for achieving short- and long-term health and fitness goals. But when it comes to shifting your diet and lifestyle, which one is right for you? When we consider adjusting our lifestyles, whether this involves buying local or going vegan, the move is ultimately initiated in […]

Holistic Health Careers Are on the Rise

With the stability of today’s health and wellness trends, it’s clear that a healthy lifestyle is becoming an essential piece to our evolving culture. The question is, what does this mean for aspiring health and wellness professionals? The answer is simple: With the innovative nature of the industry, coupled with a growing market opportunity, we […]

In a Fitness Rut? Check Out These 5 New Fitness Trends!

Back in December, we took a look at some of the trends we were confident would take off in 2015. Now that we’re almost half way through—yes, really—we want to check in on your resolutions and make sure you’re also keeping your clients’ routines fresh and effective for the spring and summer seasons. And if you were […]

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Is Cycling a Smarter Alternative to the Gym

As the discussion of the importance of exercise continues, many people are looking for different ways to achieve their health goals. The important thing to keep in mind is that exercise helps you feel great, reduces your risk of certain diseases like heart disease and cancer, and also helps boost your mood and to ward […]

Social Media Effects on Health

Whether the likes of Instagram, Pinterest and famous bloggers make regular appearances in your lifestyle, there’s certainly no denying that social media has an impact on our mental and physical health. “The intriguing new science of social networks is demonstrating how personal interconnections can affect our health,” writes Anthony Komaroff, M.D., the executive editor of Harvard Health Letter. “Ideas and […]

List-Based Post [Blogging Blueprint]

INTRODUCTION: The list post is one of the most popular and readable blog formats on the web. It is composed of — you guessed it — a list, and includes short explanatory paragraphs about each item. Use your introduction as a way to tell the reader how this collection of ideas will help them. Keep […]

How a Calorie Counting Diet Can Negatively Impact Your Health

For decades, calorie counting has been more than a trend. In fact, it has now become a lifestyle for those hoping to drop a few sizes. Is calorie counting, however, one of the worst strategies for losing weight? That’s what Jonathan Bailor, author of The Calorie Myth, is saying, and he has more than 1,200 scientific […]

5 Mindful-Eating Tips for a Healthier, Happier You

We have all been there—that moment when you start snacking and you realize you just devoured the entire box of cookies or bag of chips. What would you do if you found out that you could have prevented that binge session by adopting the practice of mindful eating? 

Is Healthy Snacking the Key to Weight Loss?

For as long as we can remember, dieters have always treaded carefully on the topic of snacking. But now, experts state otherwise with respect to healthy snacking. “Healthy snacks ensure you won’t be ravenous come mealtime and keep your fat-burning metabolism revved up,” says Aleisha Fetters of Health magazine. So those who may be worried that […]

Is the Soup Cleanse the New Juicing?

It’s pretty well-established that we are huge advocates for clean eating, juicing and blending delicious smoothies. Though, of course, we’re always on the lookout for the latest cleanse and letting you know which ones are here to stay. To cut right to it, let’s talk about soup cleansing. Much like reaching for a freshly pressed juice, […]