AFPA Health and Fitness Blog

Spring Cleaning: Helping Your Clients Start a Clean Diet Plan

Today, clean-eating has rapidly become a major movement in the health-and-fitness space. Everyone from major magazine publications to nutritionists—like you—are putting a huge emphasis on consuming food in its most natural state: aka, unprocessed or eating clean. Putting aside its popularity, replacing processed foods with fresh and nourishing whole foods will help eliminate the added preservatives that […]

How to Start a Personal-Training Business

So you’re eager to start your personal-training business? Before you jump into anything, it’s important to decide what you would like to accomplish with your certification. Whether you’re looking to make a difference in other people’s lives, or you’re just eager to transition your healthy lifestyle into a career, it’s important that you establish clear goals […]

10 Healthy Smoothie Bowls You Will Crave Every Morning

If you have been on social media lately, you have likely seen smoothie bowl recipes and pictures surfacing everywhere. Even Health magazine recently praised the smoothie bowl as “the best thing you can do with a blender.” Beyond its picture-worthy presence, the dish is one of the healthiest ways to start your morning, besides which it’s satisfying and delicious. […]

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How to Make Exercise Fun for Your Clients

For many, exercise and enjoyment do not go hand-in-hand, especially for your less motivated clients. This however, is not an opportunity to give up, but to inspire your clients through new and engaging forms of exercise. And let’s face it, as a personal trainer your clients are looking to you for inspiration and you must […]

Nutritionist-Approved, Protein-Packed Snacks for Pre-Workout

Providing your body with the carbohydrates and protein it needs is absolutely essential for fueling a successful workout. In fact, according to experts at Livestrong: “You can maximize your workout as well as your energy throughout the day if you eat the right foods pre sweat session.” As a nutritionist, you will want to advise your […]

10 Tips to Help you Earn your Strength and Conditioning Certification

Have you been considering a career in sports and fitness but are not sure where to begin? Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can acquire the skills and education you need to succeed in the health and fitness industry. Before you can begin, however, you will need in-depth training and education through a professional certification […]

6 Healthy & Effective Energy Drink Alternatives

It probably comes as no surprise that Americans love to consume unhealthy things—from energy drinks to junk food—but where do we draw the line? And when does it start to impact our day-to-day functions negatively? Furthermore, when does it start to impact our health and fitness goals negatively?

6 Tips on Staying Healthy at Work

It’s that time of year again—when our bodies become more susceptible to the common cold, the flu and other highly contagious illnesses. Avoiding these can seem impossible, especially when we’re surrounded by our sick colleagues all day. However, with that being said, there are effective steps we can all take to stay healthy all year […]

Are You Making Personal Training Goals a Priority this Year?

As the month of January begins to wind down, we would like to ask you, ‘Are you staying true to your 2015 resolutions?’ While many consider new years resolutions as nothing but a fad that diminishes by the second week of January, others use it as an opportunity to set new, measurable goals for the […]

How to Sell Personal Training Sessions to a Wide Audience

For many personal trainers, they didn’t jump into the business expecting to manage their business finances and  diversify their methods through marketing tools and techniques. Chances are, you started your career in personal training because you are passionate about leading a healthy and active lifestyle and inspiring others to do the same. That being said, while your […]