AFPA Health and Fitness Blog

How to Make Home Workout Routines for YouTube

Lately, more and more people are turning to YouTube to get in optimal shape and try out new activities. Whether someone is looking to squeeze in a quick, but highly-effective workout, can’t afford a gym membership, or doesn’t feel comfortable enough with their self-image – working out with a fitness YouTube channel is becoming a more […]

10 Exercise Tips that Help you Become a Better Fitness Trainer

If there is one thing your clients are looking for in a personal trainer, it’s instant motivation – and as a personal trainer, your clients will turn to you for health and fitness questions, and of course, your evolving expertise. But between new fitness trends, an evolving industry and a variety of different goals and […]

A Balanced Diet Plan that Even Your Pickiest Clients will Love

Whether your clients are logging hours on the treadmill, or they’re focusing on toning up in the weight room, a well-balanced diet can make or break their fitness performance. If your client isn’t concerned about their diet, or they simply just don’t want to sacrifice the foods they love for healthy alternatives, you’re likely going […]

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Ready to Boost Your Training Plan? Check out Popular Certificates!

Are you ready to take your training plan up a notch? Many training experts are checking out popular certificates to increase their earnings and broaden their horizons. Whether you’re a certified personal trainer interested in becoming certified in cardio kickboxing, or you have an interest in teaching Yoga; there are a variety of different certifications available to become […]

How to Become a Sports Nutrition Specialist for Your Practice

Healthcare professionals are often approached as ‘thought leaders’ and experts in their field. But with healthcare professions ranging from doctors to nurse practitioners and nutrition consultants, everyone has their own area of expertise. If you find yourself challenged with the number of patients that are seeking athletic healthcare advice, it may be time to consider […]

What Can I Expect for an Athletic Trainer Salary?

Over the past few weeks we have been taking a deeper dive into a few different career options in the health and fitness industry. From a Medical Exercise Specialist to a Personal Trainer; today we are going to take a closer look at what it takes to become an Athletic Trainer and what you can expect to […]

Does Zinc Really Cure the Common Cold?

Does zinc cure the common cold?  This is a common, and serious question these days, as many people have colds and are looking for anything that will help.  The answer is No.  Zinc is a non soluble metal consisting of two zinc atoms sharing a pair of electrons that is used in industry to galvanize […]

3 Weight-Lifting Routines for Post-Rehab Clients

Anyone who is physically active and has experienced a sports related injury or setback knows that it can feel like the end of the world when they are recommended to rest and wait for their body to recover. When this occurs, muscles are constrained in a cast, or are inactive because of an injury and will begin to reduce […]

Core Essentials: Beyond Ab & Back Routines

Getting a strong core means moving beyond a simple ab and back routine and incorporating exercises that develop a strong core, and a stable power center. Your core is your engine of control through life.  A strong base of support at the core of the body allows for better transfer of forces to the extremities […]

5 Crash Diets That Will Derail Personal Training Efforts

Crash diets have always had a huge appeal to people who are looking to drop pounds and drop them quickly. Unfortunately, they are not always the ideal way to go when you’re working on a long-term weight-loss goal, but we can’t deny they provide substantial results.