AFPA Health and Fitness Blog

Should I Take a Multivitamin?

Should I Take a Multivitamin? About 1 in 3 Americans takes a multivitamin. Is that helpful, harmful, or just a harmless waste of money? In 2011, the Iowa Women’s Health Study reported that multivitamin use was associated with a higher risk of total mortality, meaning in effect women who took a

5 Good Reasons To Go For A Less Intense Workout

As seen in AFPA Enews By Tracy Hafen for With all of the recent and much-deserved hype over high-intensity interval training (HIIT), a true and loyal friend has been left behind: good, old-fashioned steady-state training. Gone are

Give extra care to the caregivers you train

As seen in AFPA ENews Why it is important to give extra care to the caregivers you train! Kathy was a regular in Pilates class on Thursdays. Because I saw her from week to week, I was able to notice significant weight loss and increased lack of focus. Worried, I singled her out

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What should come first: cardio or weights?

As seen in AFPA ENews Some will advise you to get cardio done first before you hit the weights, but order of exercise may or may not affect results. If I had a dollar every time someone asked me what to do first, cardio or

Sports medicine experts concerned about female athlete triad syndrome

As seen in AFPA ENews 2/19/14 Anastasia Fischer, MD, a physician in Sports Medicine at Nationwide Children’s, says the female athlete triad syndrome is more prevalent than previously realized. The female athlete triad has three interrelated components: disordered eating low energy availability (often caused

The Psychology of Weight Loss

The Psychology of Weight Loss By: Lynn Bode, CFT Losing weight requires more than a physical commitment – the mental aspect is also vitally important. When it comes to fitness, the mind truly is a powerful thing. Have doubts that there is a mind-body connection to wellness? Simply try this easy test: do a

Common Sense Nutrition

Common Sense Nutrition Common sense nutrition is the secret behind a healthy, strong, sexy and sound body and mind. Not a “magic pill”, a high protein, no-carb, low fat, no-fat diet, or strict adherence to the glycemic index. No, it is common sense nutrition, balanced with activity, work, play and

5 Signs You’re Taking Your Diet Too Far

5 Signs You’re Taking Your Diet Too Far As seen in the AFPA ENews 2/14/14 When I first started out in private practice, clients came to me because something was wrong. Most of them struggled with their weight, or were newly diagnosed with a condition like high cholesterol or elevated blood pressure.

What Sugar Does To Your Body

As Appeared in the AFPA ENews 2/12/14 Too much sugar in your diet is not the best thing when it comes to eating (and living) healthy. We all know that, yet somehow saturated and trans fats, sodium or total calories get more of our attention.

Personal Fitness Professionals and Neuro Linguistic Programming

How Can Personal Fitness Professionals Can Use Neuro Linguistic Programming During my 15 plus years being a Personal Trainer, I have become completely convinced that a person’s fitness level is primarily determined by how they see themselves in their own mind. If someone can use their imagination to picture themselves as fit