Good Nutrition–Good Living
Good Nutrition–Good Living What is the secret to a healthy, strong, sexy and sound body and mind? It is common Sense and a Sensible Diet. It is activity and balance of work and play and rest. It is in your head and your hands and your home more-so than simply
Discover the Key to Sustained Weight Loss
Discover the Key to Sustained Weight Loss For those committed to sustained weight loss, and improved health, habitual thought processes need to be addressed as many of society’s fads, pre-occupations, conditionings, as well as the food and drug industry itself, have tainted our attitudes and belief’s about body weight and shape,
AFPA Fitness, Trainer, Nutrition & Wellness News
AFPA Fitness, Trainer, Nutrition & Wellness News this week addresses ways to reboot your fitness resolutions, AFPA conference updates, workout apps, weight gain and stress, how to turn your smart phone into a fitness tracker and so much more. Check it out! 6 real ways to reboot your fitness
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Top 15 Fitness Trends
If you haven’t tried any of the top 15 fitness trends for 2014 that we have listed below, what are you waiting for? Rev up your current workout, start a new exercise program or just add some fun to your same old routine. Whatever the reason, we think trying one
Cheap Gym Membership Fees
Cheap Gym Membership Fees National chains of low-cost, high tech self-service gyms are set for accelerated growth in 2014! New nationwide brands are bringing down monthly membership fees, grabbing market share and further squeezing established middle-market names whose future may depend on reinventing themselves. These are among the predictions in a new report
Cardio Exercise before Strength Training?
Should you do your cardio exercise before your strength training? There is no “correct” order for cardio exercise and strength training exercises. It is important to consider the specific goal. If your primary goal is endurance, do cardio exercise first. If it’s building strength or burning calories, do resistance strength training
Google Glass Controlled Treadmill
First Google Glass controlled treadmill The breakthrough is part of Technogym’s “Wellness on the Go” technology concept. Technogym debuted the world’s first Google Glass controlled treadmill at the Consumer Electronics Show 2014 in Las Vegas last week. The treadmill allows the Glass wearer to control running speed using voice commands, while they can
How to Become a Personal Trainer
Are you wondering how you can become a Personal Trainer? Well for the most part if you enjoy working out yourself, have a background in health, fitness, wellness or a competitive sport, the path may not be that difficult. In addition, if you have the
Sprint Triathlon
If you’ve got the guts for a triathlon — but not enough hours to train — try a shorter version. A sprint triathlon is a half-mile swim, 12-mile bike ride, and 3-mile run. This is half the distance of an Olympic triathlon and less than a quarter of the distance
Healthy Weight Management the Right Way
There are many people that try to keep their weight in check but often end up craving food soon after the healthy meal they have just eaten. This satisfaction void can be avoided and healthy weight management can still be obtained. The role of protein and fiber in satiety The