Personal Trainer Trends
Personal Trainer Trends by Jen Weir, Demand Media It’s crucial that personal trainers stay up to date with trends to ensure that clients are getting the best training possible and the most bang for their buck. Trends commonly include current concerns of personal trainers as well as what types
Vitamin C for Stroke Prevention
Each year, over 15 million people worldwide suffer from a stroke. Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Stroke: A Journal of Cerebral Circulation found vitamin C to be exceptionally helpful in stroke prevention. Identification and health consequences When blood circulation to the brain fails, either from an obstruction or blood vessel […]
Food: How it Impacts Our Risk for Developing Cancer
Two independent research bodies both provide firm evidence that the foods we consume directly impact our risk for developing cancer and can significantly lower cancer incidence. An international study published in the journal Nutrition explains that certain lifestyle factors, specifically smoking and eating diets high in animal products, have the
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12 Easy Steps to Keep Your Fitness Resolutions
Did you make the proverbial New Years fitness resolutions to exercise more, hit the gym and cut the junk from your diet? You are not alone! Gym membership sees a 25 percent increase in January, however by mid February all those new members are rarely seen again. Here are a few suggestions
Exercise to Burn Fat Fast and Get In Shape
Burn Fat Fast and Get In Shape! We have some listed some of the most efficient ways to burn fat that take the least amount of time and money. The most basic: Running! Outside, inside, interval or steady – running requires a pair of good shoes and provides the most bang for
Is a Plant-Based Diet Too Extreme?
There is an opinion that recommendations for a plant-based diet is “extreme”. There are many research studies siting the negative effects of animal products and their link to disease, and the positive effects of a plant-based diet to help prevent disease. Diet in the face of genetics, over-all physical activity, and lifestyle
How Long to Detox From Fish Before Pregnancy?
Increased fish consumption of mothers before and during pregnancy leads to increased exposure to both mercury and the long-chain omega 3 DHA. Mercury may negatively affect brain development in one’s unborn baby, whereas DHA may stimulate brain development. As we saw, though, the results of this study showed that the
ACOG Guidelines for Exercise During Pregnancy
Exercise During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period ABSTRACT: The physiologic and morphologic changes of pregnancy may interfere with the ability to engage safely in some forms of physical activity. A woman’s overall health, including obstetric and medical risks, should be evaluated before prescribing an exercise program. Generally, participation in a wide
Workouts For a Longer Life
3 Workouts for Longer Life Diet pills and expensive weight-loss programs pull in millions of dollars each year from Americans who want to shed a few pounds, feel better, and live longer. But Jordan Metzl, M.D., argues the best medicine for health and longevity is simply daily exercise — and a
Habits of Highly Effective Personal Trainers
According to the IBIS World Personal Trainer Market Research Report, there are over 230,000 personal trainers in the U.S. employed by over 50,000 businesses. Personal training generates over $7 billion in revenue each year. But much like all other businesses, the “80-20 Rule” applies (80 percent of the business is