Business & Career Resources

Pursue Your Passion for Fitness

Does your passion for health and fitness run so deep that you’re continuously looking for ways to incorporate it into your lifestyle? Did your afternoon jog turn into your evening ritual? Has every meal become the epitome of a healthy Pinterest-worthy recipe? If so, weave health and fitness into every aspect of your life, including your career.In an article she contributed to Inc. entitled “5 Ways to Unleash Your Passion” Susan Steinbrecher writes: “Research suggests that people who are able to identity and follow their passions tend to be happier, healthier and far more engaged about life.” If you’re passionate and ready to pursue a career in fitness, there’s no better time than now to get your career off the ground. According to a report conducted by Statista the U.S. fitness-center market alone generation $22.4 billion in sales in 2013, an almost 100 percent increase in revenue since 2000. When you look at the market for health and wellness, you’re also looking at an emerging trillion-dollar market. With that said, there’s clearly no better time than the present to pursue your passion.

Do you see yourself as an entrepreneur or employee?

In order to find success, you must first find your speciality. Do you envision yourself working one-on-one with a client in the privacy of your own fitness center? Perhaps you’re more interested in teaching an entire class in a corporate gym? Before you consider how you’re going to get there, it’s important to establish your goals and objectives. In other words, what career would best fit your needs and complement your personality? With dozens of opportunities available, you can pursue the industry in a way that works best for you.


Commit to excellence and set the bar high

There’s a clear difference between a successful and unsuccessful trainer, and it’s in his or her approach. That said, one approach does not fit all, so you must adjust accordingly to fit your client’s needs. Committing to excellence is also defined by a trainer’s ability to motivate his or her clients to achieve their goals through self-motivation—both inside and outside of your sessions together.

Experience the industry first-hand

Internships are one of the best ways to test the water, especially if you’re unsure what direction you would like to take. Internships provide you with an opportunity to shadow well-established professionals, develop relationships and get your foot in the door long before you acquire a certification. This experience coupled with a certification program will provide you with the vast experience you need to assist clients in reaching their goals.

Acquire the knowledge you need to explore your passion for fitness

Put simply, your skills pay the bills. The more education, experience and awareness of trends you acquire, the more successful you will ultimately be. But you may have one lingering question: “How do I acquire a personal trainer certification?” There are numerous ways you can acquire one, but you must first determine what certification is right for you.

When it comes time to select a certification program it’s important to have your goals and objectives in mind. If you see yourself in the sports industry you may want to consider going into the field as a sports-conditioning specialist. However, if you want to become an advanced personal trainer you may want to consider multiple certifications. Even if you’re thinking of attending a college or university, you may have to acquire a certification in addition to your studies. Plus, certifications tend to be more favorable for someone who hopes to evolve his or her career, as there are a number of different advanced certifications available.

At AFPA we provide world-class health, fitness and nutrition advice. To learn more about how you can find success in the personal-training industry, download our complimentary e-book: “7 Step Guide to Becoming a Personal Trainer.


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