Grad Spotlight

Q&A with AFPA Graduate: Megan Caldwell, Owner of FIT4MOM Cedar Mill

We are excited to share the stories of some of our past AFPA graduates, such as Megan, in our “Find Your Inspiration” blog series.

What is your job title and what does that mean?

I am the proud owner of FIT4MOM Cedar Mill in Portland, Oregon. FIT4MOM is the nation’s leader in prenatal and postnatal fitness. FIT4MOM is unique in that I do not own a studio. Rather, I run our programs out of parks and outdoor spaces during the nice months of the year, and I rent or negotiate spaces with indoor malls, church gyms, community centers, and other spaces for the winter months in Portland. I run the business out of my home, and along with tending to my three small children, I operate all aspects of the business: I teach a handful of classes each week, manage my instructor team, market for our programs, partner with local community organizations, and shoot to be a voice for prenatal and postnatal fitness and wellness for moms in our community.

How did your journey bring you to where you are now?

I’ve always been an athlete. I was a soccer and basketball player for years growing up, and competed as a heptathlete in track and field at Tufts University. I toyed around with becoming a physical therapist or athletic trainer, but ended up with a rewarding teaching career. Seven years ago, I became a mother and my world was rocked! I was engulfed in my career in education, working with special needs students in low-income communities, but having a child of my own changed my perspective and priorities, and I knew I needed to find an option that gave me more flexibility. Owning a FIT4MOM franchise really has been the perfect fit! It combines my love for teaching, my love for fitness, and my love for spending time with and raising my children.


What does a typical day in the life look like for you?

As an entrepreneur, each day is a bit different. I’m not sure there is a so-called “typical” day in my life, but it could look something like this:

  • 4:45 a.m. Wake up!
  • 5:30–6:30 a.m. Teach Body Back HIIT class.
  • 7:00–8:00 a.m. Get kids ready for the day.
  • 9:30–10:30 a.m. Teach Stroller Strides or Stroller Barre class with my kids in tow.
  • 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Activities with my kids or errands.
  • 12:30–3:00 p.m. Kids’ nap time = Work time! Email, client follow-up, instructor check-ins, class plan design, budget, marketing, phone calls—you name it!
  • 3:00–6:00 p.m. Mom duty. Pick up big kid from school, help with homework, do housework, and play.
  • 6:00–7:30 p.m. Dinner and family time.
  • 7:30 p.m.–9:30-ish p.m. Teach Body Back or Fit4Baby class OR networking meeting OR business worktime at home OR hang out with my husband.
  • 9:30 p.m. | SLEEP!

What do you like most about your job?

I love a lot about my job. I love that I can continue my passion for teaching and fitness, all in one! I love seeing women feel strong and confident in their bodies, and achieve things they didn’t even know were possible. I love having a flexible schedule that allows me to spend time with my children and family. If I had to choose only one thing, it would be modeling a healthy, active lifestyle to my children. I hope they are learning that hard work leads to results and healthy habits lead to happiness.

What education or certifications do you have that help you in your role?

  • Master’s Degree in Special Education
  • Bachelor’s Degrees in Early Childhood Development and Public Health
  • AFPA Group Fitness Certification
  • AFAA Perinatal Fitness Training
  • FIT4MOM fitness certifications for Body Back Transformation, Stroller Strides, Stroller Barre, and Fit4Baby classes

What advice would you give to others who are looking to get into the same field?

My first piece of advice is: Choose something you are passionate about and you will excel! Training women, and specifically moms, is a rewarding but challenging role—but one that is so needed. Go deep into your knowledge of the body’s anatomy and physiology, class design and format, but ultimately lead with your heart. When your clients see how passionate you are and how much you care, you will achieve success! (Success for you professionally and also success for your clients.)

Any final comments or closing thoughts?

Being a FIT4MOM owner is one of the most rewarding careers in the fitness industry. It empowers moms to be leaders in the prenatal and postnatal fitness world, all while tending to their number one role as moms. I would welcome anyone interested to check out my website at; Instagram: @f4mcedarmill; or Facebook:

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