Health Conditions & Chronic Disease

Top Ten Best and Worst Foods for MS Multiple Sclerosis

Certain foods can significantly impact the symptoms and progression of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The best foods for MS—like fatty fish, leafy greens, and berries—support brain health, reduce inflammation, and promote overall well-being. In contrast, ultra-processed foods, high-sugar snacks, and red meat may worsen inflammation and exacerbate symptoms. This article outlines the top ten foods to include and avoid for those managing MS, helping you make dietary choices that may positively influence your condition.

What is Multiple Sclerosis?

The National MS Society defines multiple sclerosis (MS) as an immune-mediated process in which the body’s immune system response is directed at the central nervous system (CNS)—which includes the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves.

It happens when the immune system mistakenly attacks myelin, the protective coating around nerve fibers. Think of myelin like the insulation on electrical wires—when it gets damaged, nerve signals slow down or get disrupted, leading to a wide range of symptom

The exact cause of MS is still a mystery, but experts believe it’s a mix of genetics, environmental triggers, and immune system dysfunction. Factors like low vitamin D, viral infections, and gut health imbalances may play a role. The National MS Society classifies MS as immune-mediated rather than purely autoimmune, since scientists haven’t pinpointed exactly what the immune system is attacking.

How Multiple Sclerosis Affects the Body

MS can look different for everyone. Some people experience flare-ups (relapses) followed by periods of recovery (remission), while others have symptoms that gradually get worse over time. Common symptoms include fatigue, numbness, muscle weakness, vision problems, and cognitive changes.

While years ago physicians believed that people with MS would inevitably need to use a wheelchair at some point in their lives, the Multiple Sclerosis Trust states that treatment options are now improving, so most people with MS will not need to use a wheelchair at any point in their lives. 

There’s no cure for MS, but the good news is that lifestyle choices, diet, and proper management can make a big difference in how people feel and function with MS.

Diet Considerations

What you eat can have a huge impact on MS symptoms and overall quality of life. While there’s no one-size-fits-all diet that has been proven to stop or reverse MS, research shows that diet quality plays a role in symptom severity, disability progression, and overall well-being. Simply put—food matters.

Experts have explored several dietary approaches for MS, with low-fat, plant-based diets, ketogenic (high-fat, very low-carb) diets, and modified Paleo diets showing potential benefits.

Dr. John A. McDougall and Dr. Roy Swank were among the first to suggest that low-fat diets could help manage MS. Swank’s research from the 1940s and 1950s found that reducing animal products and tropical oils might improve symptoms, and today, many MS specialists continue to recommend a low-fat, high-fiber diet.

On the other end of the spectrum, Dr. Terry Wahls reversed her own progressive MS symptoms using a modified Paleo approach, focusing on nutrient-dense whole foods and functional medicine principles.

So, why do different diets seem to work for different people? Researchers believe it comes down to individual metabolic differences and other health factors like hypertension, cholesterol levels, salt intake, and obesity.

However, research highlights certain foods that tend to be beneficial for people with multiple sclerosis, as well as those that may worsen symptoms.

Best and Worst Foods for MS_V2
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As an AFPA-Certified Autoimmune Holistic Nutrition Specialist, you can educate your clients on the best and worst foods for Multiple Sclerosis.

Top Ten Best Foods for MS

Foods Rich in Vitamin D

A higher incidence of MS is found in patients with low vitamin D levels. The main way we get vitamin D is from sunlight, but we can also get it through our diet. If you don’t consume dairy products, eat foods fortified with vitamin D, such as orange juice, or take a vitamin D supplement to help prevent and slow disease progression.

Good sources of vitamin D include:

  • Low-fat dairy
  • Salmon
  • Mackerel
  • Tuna
  • Herring
  • Egg yolk
  • Mushrooms

You can read more about vitamin D, multiple sclerosis, and dosage requirements on the website for the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

Unprocessed Meats

While traditional recommendations focus on excluding red meats from the diet and consuming only white meats, like poultry and fish, new research suggests that higher consumption of non-processed red meat is associated with a reduced risk of MS. 

In fact, a pilot study supervised by Dr. Terry Wahls, a pioneer in the subject of the impact of diet on MS, suggested that a paleolithic-style diet high in unprocessed meats and low in carbohydrates, together with stretching and meditation exercises, significantly reduced fatigue. A larger study is currently being carried out. 

However, processed meats like the following should be avoided:

  • Cold cuts
  • Cured meats
  • Sausages

Whole Grains

A meal rich in refined carbohydrates increases insulin levels, which in turn activates a cascade of chemical processes that can exacerbate MS symptoms. 

Eating whole grains instead of refined flour or processed carbohydrates will increase fiber, maintain stable blood sugars, promote healthy bowel habits, and help with the fatigue MS patients experience. 

Good sources of whole grains include:

  • Oats
  • Brown rice
  • Quinoa
  • Buckwheat
  • Amaranth
  • Millet

Fresh Fruit

Fresh fruit is one of the best foods for Multiple Sclerosis because it provides a myriad of micronutrients and antioxidant chemicals, including polyphenols, carotenoids, and anthocyanins.

Some fruits also contain magnesium, a lack of which could be linked to MS progression. In general, MS experts recommend getting nutrients, like magnesium, from foods rather than from supplements. 

Fruits that contain magnesium:

  • Kiwi
  • Berries
  • Banana
  • Papaya

Since MS is a condition that is made worse by oxidative stress, antioxidant intake can have an important role in stopping disease progression as well. 

Additionally, constipation is a constant battle with people who suffer from MS. Eat a variety of brightly colored fruits for an increase in fiber to increase motility and prevent and ease constipation. 

Eating whole foods such as fruit instead of refined sugars will help stabilize blood sugar and battle fatigue.


Green leafy veggies are foods high in fiber and will help with constipation. They also help stabilize blood sugar, which is important to avoid MS relapse

Filling up on veggies will help maintain a healthy weight and prevent the onset of other chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. A low-fat, high-fiber diet is recommended by Dr. Roy Swank, and filling up on vegetables is a good way to go. He also recommends a mostly vegetarian diet with very little animal fat.

Additionally, vegetables, especially dark green vegetables, are good sources of calcium and iron. Researchers have found that people with progressive MS tend to be lacking in iron and calcium, so eating more vegetables that are good sources of these foods may slow disease progression.

Good vegetable sources for MS include:

  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage

Fatty Fish

Increase your intake of fish high in omega-3s as most people do not eat enough. They have good fatty acids that prevent inflammation, are good for cognitive function, and balance out our diet, which is usually higher in omega-6 fatty acids. The imbalance of too much omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3 can cause your immune system to become overactive, which is an issue in multiple sclerosis.

Good sources of omega-3s include:

  • Salmon
  • Sardines
  • Tuna
  • Trout
  • Mackerel

Plant-Based Oils

The type of fat we choose to consume could have a big impact on the levels of inflammation in our body. Since MS patients have an inflammatory response in multiple parts of their bodies, including their immune system, the brain, and the blood vessels, consuming oils that help to reduce inflammation is an important part of a dietary strategy to managing MS. 

Choose plant-based oils instead of saturated fats like butter or shortening. These oils have healthy unsaturated fats that help lower cholesterol and reduce inflammation.

Plant-based oils to consider:

  • Olive oil
  • Hemp seed oil
  • Flaxseed oil


Multiple sclerosis is a disease that causes inflammation and scarring to the neural pathways. Eating foods that stop inflammation can help ease symptoms of MS and possibly prevent disease progression. Turmeric is a spice that has been proven to fight inflammation due to the ingredient curcumin it contains. 

A large body of studies have demonstrated the potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of curcumin, and it has the potential to modulate several factors that influence the progression of central nervous system disorders like MS.

The research is so promising that some researchers propose considering curcumin as part of the treatment for MS.


Avocados are another one of the best foods for Multiple Sclerosis due to their strong anti-inflammatory properties. They are rich in monounsaturated fats, lutein, glutathione, vitamin E, and phenolic antioxidants, all of which help to fight inflammation

Additionally, the phytosterols avocados contain also help to suppress inflammation

These components are not only beneficial for the chemical processes behind MS but also contain nutrients that help promote heart and brain health. There are so many ways to enjoy avocados; make guacamole and enjoy it with fish or chicken or spread it on toast.


Ginger possesses strong anti-neuroinflammatory characteristics thanks to a component called 10-gingerol.

Select a firm, smooth root, and add a slice or two to your favorite tea or make it an ingredient in your favorite salads, dressings, or marinades.

Top Ten Worst Foods for MS

Saturated Fats

Avoid foods high in saturated fats, as they are among the worst for Multiple Sclerosis. In a landmark longitudinal study that began in 1954 and was led by Dr. Roy Swank, data showed that diets low in saturated fat resulted in a lower risk of developing MS. In 2003, a follow-up study was carried out with the same people enrolled in the first study, and they found that people with MS who followed the “Swank diet” lived longer and lived otherwise normal lives. 

The research suggests that MS is caused by animal-sourced saturated fat and recommends consuming less than 10–15 grams of saturated fat per day, plant sources included. 

Foods high in saturated fats:

  • Processed meats (sausage, bacon, hot dogs)
  • Full-fat dairy products (whole milk, butter cream)
  • Fried foods (deep-fried chicken, french fries)
  • Processed and packaged snacks (chips, baked goods)


Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, and it has the potential to worsen neurological symptoms or have additive effects when combined with MS medications. 

While some studies suggest that limited alcohol drinking (one or two drinks) may suppress symptoms and might help to reduce the progression of disability in relapsing onset MS, it has a neutral to detrimental effect in people with progressive onset MS. 

However, people with MS may be more likely to abuse alcohol, and that can contribute to high rates of depression. While alcohol consumption is not recommended in general, you may want to speak to your doctor about your consumption patterns and how it could potentially affect your MS

Added Sugars

Avoid foods high in added sugars, as they contribute to an imbalance in blood glucose. Research shows that severe blood glucose spikes and drops associated with high consumption of refined sugar contribute more severe symptoms and a higher level of disability compared to people with MS who seldom consume sugar-sweetened foods and beverages.  

In fact, one study found that people with MS who had the highest consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages were up to five times more likely to have a severe disability than people who seldom drank sugar-sweetened beverages.

Sugary foods to avoid:

  • Soda, energy drinks, sweetened iced tea
  • Flavored coffee drinks
  • Candy and chocolate bars
  • Breakfast cereals
  • Muffins, pastries, cookies

Ultra-Processed Foods

Ultra-processed foods (UPFs) are those that tend to contain more saturated fat, added sugars, salt, and additives to lengthen their shelf-life and to modify their color and flavor. They also lack beneficial nutrients such as fiber and healthy fats. What is the connection between UPFs and MS? Additives commonly used in processed foods may damage intestinal mucosa and thus weaken our natural immune system. Immune balance is essential for preventing multiple sclerosis and for slowing and stopping MS progression. 

In fact, research suggests that the regular consumption of foods with industrial food additives change the tight junction permeability of the intestine, and this could be an explanation for the rising incidence of autoimmune diseases on a population level, MS included

While all food undergoes some sort of processing (like cleaning, peeling, etc.), stick to eating fresh, whole foods with all-natural ingredients.   

Refined Grains

Like sugar, refined grains are among the worst foods for Multiple Sclerosis because they also cause a spike in blood glucose. Blood glucose spikes can cause damage to myelin sheaths on neural cells and can cause neural dysfunction. Since MS is a neurological condition, it is important to avoid foods that might damage cells, such as refined grains, and contribute to the progression of MS.  

Avoid the following refined grains:

  • White rice
  • White pasta
  • White bread


The health effects of the food additive monosodium glutamate (MSG) has been a hot topic of debate for decades. While most research shows that the effect might be minimal to null in healthy people, the immune system of people with MS likely responds abnormally to the molecules that make up MSG. 

MSG is an excitatory neurotransmitter that may cause damage to neurons. Since MS is a condition where neurons are already damaged, it is important to avoid MSG.

Foods that can contain MSG include:

  • Flavored potato chips and snack foods
  • Chinese cuisine
  • Frozen meals
  • Packaged soup mixes and bouillon cubes

MSG is found mostly as an additive in some Chinese cuisine and as a flavor enhancer in packaged savory snacks. Always check the labels of foods you purchase and avoid restaurant food that might use MSG in their ingredients.

Full-Fat Dairy

As mentioned above, foods high in saturated fat, especially those that come from animal foods, should be avoided. While consuming milk could be beneficial for MS symptoms due to its vitamin D content, choose skim options instead to skip out on the fat. Choose low-fat dairy products or limit dairy products to maintain a low-fat diet.

Avoid full-fat versions of the following:

  • Whole milk
  • Heavy cream
  • Full-fat cheese
  • Sour cream
  • Ice cream


According to Nature Neuroscience, high salt intake is linked to the exacerbation of MS symptoms. Limit adding salt to season your foods by using alternative spices, such as black pepper. Buy fresh or frozen vegetables, and avoid all canned products, which are extremely high in sodium. If you use canned goods, wash the food thoroughly to get rid of excess sodium.


MS patients often experience issues with an overactive bladder. Since caffeine is a natural diuretic, it may exacerbate bladder activity in some people. Avoiding caffeine can help manage some of the symptoms associated with bladder-related issues found in MS patients and prevent irritation.

Note that people with some types of MS find that caffeine helps to relieve the symptoms of fatigue and two independent studies found that people who consumed caffeine regularly were at lower risk of developing MS.

This is one of the foods where research can be confusing, so it is important to speak to your doctor about how specific foods may affect the symptoms of the type of MS you or your patient has.


Wheat, rye, barley, and any foods made with these grains, including white flour, contain gluten. Researchers have explored the link between multiple sclerosis and celiac disease—a condition in which eating foods containing gluten causes damage to your small intestine. MS patients should be tested for gluten intolerance and, if found to be intolerant, allergic, or sensitive to gluten, they should follow a gluten-free diet.

Read our post on Top 10 Superfoods for additional suggestions on which foods can be beneficial for those with MS.

Common foods that include gluten:

  • Wheat-based bagels, breads, and pasta
  • Baked goods (cookies, muffins, brownies)
  • Crackers and pretzels
  • Sauces and gravies (often thickened with wheat flour)
  • Soy sauce
  • Barley, rye, couscous

Main Takeaways

Note that while there is no miracle diet that is definitively shown to prevent or treat MS, there is plenty of research on the roles of dietary patterns and their influence on the onset and progression of MS. Note that there are different types of MS, and the underlying mechanisms behind their appearance and progression are different for each. As a result, the interaction foods and beverages have with different types of MS could vary. It is important to discuss any dietary changes with your doctor and follow up with them regularly.

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