Understanding eSports: Physiological Demands and Training Recommendations

Original price was: $159.00.Current price is: $129.00.


Continuing Education: Discover how eSports affect the body and get tailored health and wellness recommendations for gamers. This course provides valuable insights into injury prevention, supplementation, and the future of the sport. 

1 Hour Video | Practical Info | 8.0 CECs 


Gaming Meets Health: The Impact of eSports on Player Health and Wellness 

Join us as we dive into the intersection of gaming and health to explore the body’s response to eSports. We’ll provide an overview of all things eSports and discuss the uniqueness of a sport played entirely from a seated position looking at a screen. You’ll learn about the current training recommendations for gamers and gain insights into injury prevention, supplements, and the future for the rapidly growing sport of competitive gaming. If you’ve ever wondered what happens to the body when someone plays video games, this is the course for you. 

closeup of esports gamer on keyboard

What You’ll Gain from this CEC 

A better understanding of eSports, including: 

  • The rise in popularity  
  • Prize money   
  • A day in the life of a professional eSports player 
  • Typical eSports training   
  • What makes eSports unique  
  • Injury risks and health concerns 
  • Physiological and psychological response  
  • Supplements in eSports  
  • Physical activity and sedentary time for gamers 
  • Wellness for eSports players 
  • Exercise recommendations  

About Your Instructor

Thomas Andre, PhD   

  • Doctor of Kinesiology, Exercise Nutrition, Health Promotion 
  • Assistant Professor of Health and Exercise Science 
  • Author of 100+ peer-reviewed publications and presentations 
Tom Andre
woman sitting at kitchen counter with laptop

Course Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:   

  • Define eSports and explain the current state of eSports participation, fandom, and its future trajectory.   
  • Explain the physiological responses and demands placed on esports athletes, addressing the impact of the sedentary nature of the activity.  
  • Identify common injury risks associated with esports and strategies for risk mitigation.   
  • Describe training recommendations for eSports athletes, addressing health and performance. 

What Your Course Includes

  • 1 webinar video (1 hour in length) 
  • 2 research articles 
  • 25 question, multiple-choice quiz 
  • Earn 8.0 AFPA CECs

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