Does Zinc Really Cure the Common Cold?
Does zinc cure the common cold? This is a common, and serious question these days, as many people have colds and are looking for anything that will help. The answer is No. Zinc is a non soluble metal consisting of two zinc atoms sharing a pair of electrons that is used in industry to galvanize […]
Core Essentials: Beyond Ab & Back Routines
Getting a strong core means moving beyond a simple ab and back routine and incorporating exercises that develop a strong core, and a stable power center. Your core is your engine of control through life. A strong base of support at the core of the body allows for better transfer of forces to the extremities […]
Blood Type Diet Review
The book, Eat Right for Your Type, makes the astounding claim that people with different blood types should eat different foods. Type O’s are supposed to be like the hunter and eat a lot of meat, whereas people with type A blood are supposed to eat less. A systematic review of the evidence supporting blood […]
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Breast Cancer and Wine
After diagnosis, women with breast cancer may cut their risk of dying nearly in half by just instituting simple, modest lifestyle changes—5 or more servings of fruits and veggies a day and walking 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week. But what about preventing breast cancer in the first place? If we follow the advice of […]
Older Adults: Build Muscle to Live Longer
New UCLA research suggests that the more muscle mass older adults have, the less likely they are to die prematurely. The findings add to the growing evidence that overall body composition — and not the widely used body mass index, or BMI — isa better predictor of all-cause mortality. The study, published in the American […]
Intestinal Health
The gastrointestinal tract is routinely defined as “a tube approximately 19-22 feet long, running through the body from mouth to anus.” The World Book Dictionary adds that the intestine is “the lower part of the alimentary canal” food from the stomach passes into the intestine for further digestion and for absorption.” This boringly simplistic concept of […]
Alkaline Diets, Meat & Calcium Loss
Dr. Michael Greger, MD Experiments dating back to 1920 showed over and over that if we had a acid forming diet rich in meat that we would get a big spike in the amount of calcium being lost in our urine. We have known since 1912 that meat was acid-forming within the body. Meat and eggs […]
Should I Take a Multivitamin?
About 1 in 3 Americans takes a multivitamin. Is that helpful, harmful, or just a harmless waste of money? In 2011, the Iowa Women’s Health Study reported that multivitamin use was associated with a higher risk of total mortality, meaning in effect women who took a multivitamin appeared to be paying to live shorter lives. But […]
Lifestyle Medicine: Treating the Causes of Disease
Dr. Michael Greger, MD If doctors can eliminate some of our leading killers by treating the underlying causes of chronic disease better than nearly any other medical intervention, why don’t more doctors do it? Though I was trained as a general practitioner, my chosen specialty is lifestyle medicine. Yes, most of the reasons people go see […]
5 Signs You’re Taking Your Diet Too Far
As seen in the AFPA ENews 2/14/14 When I first started out in private practice, clients came to me because something was wrong. Most of them struggled with their weight, or were newly diagnosed with a condition like high cholesterol or elevated blood pressure. Today, healthy, fit clients schedule appointments with me simply to pick my […]