Enhancing Performance with Sports Nutrition and Supplements
Sports Nutrition and Supplements – Effective Strategies for Enhancing Performance and Body Composition Introduction The scientific investigation of various sports nutrition and supplement strategies has undergone a tremendous growth in the last decade. The purpose of this review is to cover the latest science regarding several of the major categories in sports nutrition and performance enhancing supplements. […]
Good Nutrition–Good Living
Good Nutrition–Good Living What is the secret to a healthy, strong, sexy and sound body and mind? It is common Sense and a Sensible Diet. It is activity and balance of work and play and rest. It is in your head and your hands and your home more-so than simply what you are putting in your mouth. […]
Discover the Key to Sustained Weight Loss
For those committed to sustained weight loss, and improved health, habitual thought processes need to be addressed as many of society’s fads, pre-occupations, conditionings, as well as the food and drug industry itself, have tainted our attitudes and belief’s about body weight and shape, health and nutrition, food, diet and exercise. This article will touch on […]
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What’s Your ‘Fitness Age’?
By GRETCHEN REYNOLDS Trying to quantify your aerobic fitness is a daunting task. It usually requires access to an exercise-physiology lab. But researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim have developed a remarkably low-tech means of precisely assessing aerobic fitness and estimating your “fitness age,” or how well your body functions physically, relative […]
5 Reasons New Diets Fail (And How to Avoid Them)
December 31, 2013 | By Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD The start of the new year is the ultimate opportunity to undo the holiday damage, make a fresh start, and resolve to avoid the indulgences that have left you feeling less-than-confident about your body. To get results that won’t fizzle out before February, check out my previous post 5 […]
How Much Should You Charge for Personal Training?
Most personal trainers are concerned at some level about how much they can or ‘should‘ charge. New trainers can be uneasy at the mere mention of the topic of what to charge for personal training and established trainers sometimes still find themselves charging the same rate after a few years, so it’s not entirely about experience. […]
Exercise Trends
Exercise Trends Up-and-Coming Exercise Trends By Colette BouchezWebMD Weight Loss Clinic – Feature Reviewed By Louise Chang, MD According to experts, some of the exercise and diet trends that appear to be past their prime are: Exercise trends on the way up, they say, include: Just the Basics After nearly a decade of chasing high-tech fitness dreams, […]
Personal Trainer Trends
by Jen Weir, Demand Media It’s crucial that personal trainers stay up to date with trends to ensure that clients are getting the best training possible and the most bang for their buck. Trends commonly include current concerns of personal trainers as well as what types of exercises are growing in popularity. Personal Trainer Credentials The […]
Veganism Mainstream for 2014
Posted on January 1, 2014 by Stone Hearth News Giving up meat, dairy and fish altogether might seem extreme for the average person looking to shed a few pounds. Yet there are growing signs that 2014 could be the year that veganism stops being a niche dietary choice and gains new followers, and not just because of soon-forgotten resolutions. […]
How to Use Circuit Training to Sculpt an Amazing Body
Written by Tony Schober, CPT Short on time? Want to knock out strength training and cardio at the same time? Does building muscle while losing fat sound good to you? Then circuit training is your answer. What is Circuit Training? It’s a training protocol where you take 3 or more exercises and place them into a “circuit”. […]