Water Pollution Today
by Brian Lavendel Pollution of lakes, rivers, streams, oceans: it’s a problem many of us are aware of and concerned about. The good news is that today, the actions of individuals can have a large impact on the quality of our waters. Yes, each one of us can help keep our water clean. The key phrase […]
Fitness Programs & Workplace Stress
By: Mark J. Occhipinti, M.S., Ph.D., N.D.c. “It is a laughable sight, to see those guilds of cobblers and tailors… when they march in procession.. stopping, round shouldered, limping men, swaying from side to side. They look as though they had all been carefully selected for an exhibition of their infirmities.” Bermadino Ramazzo 1700. Introduction Physicians […]
The Psychology of Selling Why People Hire Fitness Professionals
By Jim Labadie Now more than ever, we in the fitness industry have a moral obligation to help those who are in desperate need of our help. We, in fact, have a responsibility to sell solutions to the problems associated with a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, as a fitness professional you need to understand something very clearly […]
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Muscle Recovery After Ultra Marathon & Endurance Events
By: Dr. Bill Misner Ph.D.Eavesdropping…Ultra heroes and heroines of the 15th Marathon de Sables murmured without shame, “What have I done to myself”…,”It is totally fricken’ loony out there…,” “I couldn’t breathe, you have to live to race another day, it’s not worth dying over”…, or as one summarized it all…”I just went to hell and […]
Benefits of Martial Arts Training For Kids
By: Laura Saunders Admit it. When the going gets tough at home, we’ve all plopped the kids in front of the television and breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, we can get started on dinner, maybe check email or sort that massive pile of laundry. But when your five-year old yells at you “Mom, Kids Rule!” […]
How to Avoid the 3 Worst Personal Training Mistakes
By Pat Necerato Mistake 1: Trainers Not Properly Dealing With Procrastination The biggest mistake personal trainers make is that they don’t properly deal with procrastination with each and every prospect. Procrastination is the reason why your prospects don’t buy your Training services. Notice I didn’t say its most likely the reason they don’t buy or “one” […]
Total Body Conditioning
Over the past 25 years, ever since the introduction of Dr. Kenneth Cooper’s book, Aerobics, many individuals have focused on walking, running, cycling and other types of aerobic activity as their only means of exercise. Unfortunately, this has led to many of us neglecting another key component of fitness – total body conditioning. Many of us […]
Calcium and Protein: A Mixture For Disaster
By: Mark J. Occhipinti, M.S. , Ph.D, NDc. It is a documented fact that consumption of dairy products can lead to the development of atherosclerosis, heart attack and strokes, and that high fat dairy products contain unsafe levels of environmental contaminants, including pesticide residues, antibiotics and estrogen steroids. 1,2 In addition, research has demonstrated a “calcium […]
Nutrition and the Central Fatigue Hypothesis
by Matt Samuels, RD Athletes are quite familiar with localized fatigue. This can be observed during any weight training session when an exercise is taken to failure or during an endurance event when one body part fatigues before others. This localized fatigue occurs within the muscle itself and can be caused by the depletion of phosphocreatine, […]
The Milk Letter: A Message To My Patients By: Robert M. Kradjian, MDBreast Surgery Chief Division of General Surgery,Seton Medical Centre #302 – 1800 Sullivan Ave.Daly City, CA 94015 USA “MILK”Just the word itself sounds comforting! “How about a nice cup of hot milk?” The last time you heard that question it was from someone who […]