Posted on January 1, 2014 by Stone Hearth News
Giving up meat, dairy and fish altogether might seem extreme for the average person looking to shed a few pounds.
Yet there are growing signs that 2014 could be the year that veganism stops being a niche dietary choice and gains new followers, and not just because of soon-forgotten resolutions.
This year will see the German supermarket chain ‘Veganz – We Love Life’ opening its first branch in the UK, offering over 6,000 vegan products.
The store is hoping to take advantage of increasing interest in veganism; non-meat, non-dairy food, with celebrities such as Jay Z and Beyoncé among those to have reportedly tried adopting veganism.
Most UK supermarkets already stock vegan products, but Veganz is the first dedicated chain store of its kind in Europe.
Set up in 2011, the company hopes to open a total of 21 stores across the continent by 2015 to meet growing demand.
The choice of not consuming any animal products at all is currently being promoted by Mark Bittman’s book VB6: Eat Vegan Before 6:00 to Lose Weight and Restore Your Health . . . for Good, which takes a “flexitarian” approach – advocating eating a vegan diet before 6pm.